Special Issue: South East Asian linguistics No. 1
1 The game of naming: A case of the Butuanon language and its speakers in the Philippines (PDF 1.85KB)
Yoshihiro Kobari
2 A study of literacy in Pre-Hispanic Philippines (PDF 757KB)
Toshiaki Kawahara
3 English in Malaysia and Malaysian Literature in English: The development, the challenges and the prospects (PDF 702KB)
Yosuke Nimura
4 The first fifty years of Bilingual Education Policy in Singapore: Its success and rising problems (PDF 703KB)
Misa Okumura
New Guinea linguistics:
5 Grammaticalization in Kewapi language (PDF 761KB)
Apoi Yarapea
6 Indexicality of polyglot Yabob ethnopop (PDF 886KB)
Jun’ichiro Suwa